A Little Boost: Which Supplements Are Right for Me?

A Little Boost: Which Supplements Are Right for Me?


We sweat, we eat, we work, and we sleep. That’s the kind of cycle that the average person goes through, and at times it can feel like no matter what we do, we aren’t getting the most of our every hour in the day. Frankly, it’s almost impossible to optimise our entire day to stay as fit as possible and also work as hard as we can. We all need a break sometimes, and our daily routine needs to be broken up by procrastination and breaks.

Luckily, technology has never failed in making our daily tasks easier. Just look at our smartphones; there are loads of apps that can help keep us fit and healthy, and they’re accessible from the touch of a button on our mobiles. Talk about convenient! But that’s not the only thing that’s helped us along our busy lives. Supplements, for example, can also be a great boost to our health. They’re packed full of goodness, they’re easy to take, and they’re relatively inexpensive.

But what products should you take? There are hundreds of brands out there (such as usana products) and it’s easy to get lost in all the choices. Not only is it hard to pick a brand, but it’s also difficult to pick what kind of products you actually need. It’s important to note that brand name isn’t everything in supplements, but the ingredients are. Make sure to read the label, and ensure you aren’t being ripped off with low-dosage supplements unless your doctor specifies that you take them. As always, with anything that involves taking medication, seek advice from a professional before taking them on a regular basis.

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supplement pills are right



As the name suggests, these super pills fill in any gaps in our nutritional needs. You can rely on multivitamins to fill any food voids that we’re missing. There are very specific multivitamins that are worth taking a look and researching. For example, there are gender-specific ones, age-specific ones, and even multivitamins that are designed for certain lifestyles. Always read the label, and do research online to find out what supplements will suit you.

Vitamin D

This vitamin supports bones, muscles, and teeth. It also helps to boost our immunity to illnesses. Vitamin D is usually found in oily fish like mackerel and salmon, red meats and egg yolks but can also be made from the superfoods. Due to the limited foods that offer us vitamin D, supplements are essential to getting our recommended intake so that our bones remain strong and our immune system stays active.

Fish Oil

Unless oily fish are part of your regular meals, then you’re most likely lacking some fish oil in your diet. Fish oil supplements are great if you don’t like to cook or eat fish. Oily fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which help to prevent kidney-related problems and improve our heart and blood system. The most common method of taking fish oil is via capsules, but the other (less popular) option is to eat a spoonful every day. The taste can be quite difficult to swallow, so many liquid fish oil brands flavour it with orange or lemon juice.