10 Physical Signs He Just Slept With Someone Else

10 Physical Signs He Just Slept With Someone Else

You had your doubts, didn’t you? That sudden busy schedule, the switching of deodorants, that uncharacteristic spunk, changing of the phone’s password – gosh, there was something ‘more’ to those ‘professional night-outs!’ There are too many physical signs he just slept with someone else! But, there’s always a maybe, isn’t it? 

If you are in doubt and searching the internet to confirm it, we indeed have the answers for you! As you scroll through this content, you will get some critical hints that ensure your man is ‘physically and perhaps emotionally invested’ elsewhere. Let us explore the same – 

What are the physical signs he just slept with someone else? 

Here are some conclusive signs that you must take note of – 

1. Signs like – hickeys, scratches, and more 

husband with hickey signs
Image Credit: YouTube

The first of the physical signs he is sleeping with someone else is – his having a hickey(which you did not give him)! He might just call it a bad body rash, but you know, what is what! There could be scratches on his body (hand, or backside), and he could be unusually tired. As heartbreaking as it may sound, these are more than enough signs that your man is cheating on you. 

2. Perfumes tell a tale 

man using different perfume
Image Credit: iStock

How to know if your husband has slept with someone else? There’s an old saying that goes – perfumes make the silence talk! A change in sniff can be considered one of those significant physical signs he just slept with someone else.

Maybe he walked out wearing one type of cologne and walked in at the end of the day with another. If that is happening regularly, you can be almost assured you are on the verge of losing your man. 

3. If your man is distant in the most intimate moment 

husband dos not want sex
Image Credit: Prevention

Have you been wondering about the physical signs he is sleeping with someone else? The fact that your man is distant even during the most intimate moments! It is not just sex that we are talking about. Instead, you find him aloof even when you discuss something that involves both of you. Even when you are both in a cozy space, he seems restrained without a reason. Sorry to inform you folks, but you are or perhaps have lost your man to another woman! 

4. That affection is no more

lack of affection in marital relation
Image Credit: Regain

Being content physically with each other is an essential aspect of a relationship. One of the pivotal physical signs he just slept with someone else is that lack of affection for you. Your man might not care about how you feel anymore. 

It is not just the sex that we are talking about. Rather, the natural warmth of a relationship is lost. That cuddling doesn’t feel natural. The kisses have become weird. That smooth flow of conversation has turned into abrupt endings. When you notice these signs, it could mean that your man is cheating on you. 

5. Sudden mood swings 

physical signs he is sleeping with someone else
Image Credit: Regain

It is only normal for a man who has been cheating on his partner to feel a certain level of guilt. This manifests in his sudden mood changes. At times, he is cold, while at other times, he stares at you ‘like never before.’ Unlike previous times, you may find him unnecessarily angry or make sudden sex moves at you! It is one of the crucial physical signs he is sleeping with someone else! This is his way of coping with the guilt and ensuring that his conscience stays protected. 

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6. He guards his phone 24×7! 

signs he has just slept with someone
Image Credit: Live Bold and Bloom

Privacy and giving each other breathing space build the base of every healthy relationship. However, in this world of instant messaging, his phone records can be your biggest clue. If he is constantly on the phone, changing passcodes almost every other day, cannot live without it even for a second – you need to get a little cautious. 

Your partner might not be cheating on you, but there’s no doubt that he is fooling behind your back in some way or the other. 

You might even end up finding a new phone! 

7. Strange behavioral patterns 

physical signs he just slept with someone else
Image Credit: Seaside Medical Technologies

Amongst many others, as discussed above, one of the assured physical signs he just slept with someone else is a marked change in his demeanor. Whether it is him staying lost always, not warming up to you as usual as before, or developing a sudden new routine (say going to bed early or showering the very instant he gets back home) – there’s more than what meets the eye! 

There are times men wish to change their schedule, or even pick up a new hobby/develop a new habit. They will mainly inform their partners and involve them if done in jest. However, if you feel constantly left out, then this is something that you must take seriously. It is the first step to the conclusion of your relationship. 

8. Unexplained time gaps in his schedule 

overtime work serving special clients
Image Credit: Employment Discrimination Attorneys

One of the biggest physical signs he just slept with someone else is the unexplained time gap in his schedule. It could start with something as simple as ‘overtime at work’ as commanded by the boss and extend to an ‘unusually jam-packed schedule.’ There has been more than a single instance where sudden business trips or late-night presentations have come up! 

It is time for you to pick up the clue that ‘this overtime’ is for a ‘special client’, and he is putting your relationship at stake. 

9. Excessive care for his looks 

change in daily routine
Image Credit: MensXP

Barring a few, most plain Johns care not much about their looks. They could go without daily showers and roam about in a pair of old clothes. If you were in a relationship with such a man who did not care about his looks previously but now wants to be ‘perfect’ all the time, there’s a problem at hand. 

Self-care is an excellent way of loving oneself. But too much of it, can be a little snitch. 

It is no secret that someone involved in a relationship (that mainly involves lust) would want to look glamorous for their partner. In fact, in multiple cases, it is taken as one of the prominent physical signs he is sleeping with someone else! Whether it’s a clean-shaved look or a new hairstyle suddenly, it is only natural that they have someone whose socks they wish to knock off! Its time you become cautious. 

10. A reversed body language 

physical signs he slept with someone else
Image Credit: HerZindagi

And here comes the sixer! You thought you had discovered all the physical signs he just slept with someone else? Well, let us inform you of a completely different level of cheating! Certain men (especially serial cheaters), to save their skin, go on to reverse their body language completely. So, rather than acting indifferent, they are totally ‘into you’ all the time! The frequency of sex increases drastically. 

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He might pull a sudden innovative ‘spooning’ technique that you guys have never tried in bed before! Also, those sudden cuddles, gifts, and kisses are not him loving you unconditionally. They are instead signs of him hiding his guilt of cheating on you. 

So, if your ‘missionary’ enjoying man suddenly wants to try ‘cowgirl’ in bed, and you have already noticed his hickeys – beware, you are being cheated on! 

These are some of the most noted physical signs of your man bedding another woman. If you notice too many of these simultaneously, you need to take a severe step. 

How should you deal with it? 

10-signs-your-husband slept with someone else
Image Credit: Your Tango

You have more than enough physical signs he just slept with someone else. Naturally, you are all flared up! You want to burst your anger bombshells at him. You could also cocoon your feelings, never to open up again! However, these attitudes are not the correct way to approach the issue. 

Indeed, you do not wish to stay in a disrespectful situation. Communicating with the other person is essential before you decide on anything. 

Here are some of the steps to take – 

Keep your calm 

keep your calm while discussing
Image Credit: Thought Catalog

The first thing to do – is to manage your emotions. You will undergo a flurry of them, to the extent of leaving you devastated. But when you are sitting down to deal with this untoward scenario, you must manage your emotions calmly. You must not react impulsively and rather bide your time. This is one of the most significant decisions you will make, so you must work under a clear conscience. 

Assess the situation from every corner 

think over before acting
Image Credit: Adobe Stock

Though you have seen the physical signs he just slept with someone else – you must assess the situation from multiple corners. Before you bring up this topic for further discussion, make sure you have substantial evidence to back your claims. Always remember, that cheaters mostly plan their way out beforehand. Therefore, you must be prepared. 

Have an honest interaction 

have a discussion with your spouse
Image Credit: MindBodyGreen

It is time to sit down and have ‘that’ conversation! You need to tell him as calmly as possible, that you have noticed ‘certain’ physical signs he is sleeping with someone else. You are fearful. Assure him that you are not accusing him, but putting forth your fears and doubts. Listen to his side of the story, minus the judgments. 

Only when you both communicate openly and let out your feelings can this issue be resolved. This will also assist you in calculating the next step in your relationship. 

Opt for a therapy session 

couples therapy session for cheating
Image Credit: Three Points Relationships

There are couples who, despite everything they have gone through, want to give their relationship another chance. Whatever the situation, a couple’s therapy session can work wonders. These sessions help bridge the communication gap between the partners, give them space to understand each other better, and help them heal—both personally and in the relationship. 

Follow your gut 

physical signs he slept with someone
Image Credit: Forbes

Lastly, if you see no way out from this turmoil (cheaters are also excellent manipulators), follow your instincts. Most of the time, the gut feelings are just right! 

Parting thoughts 

It is challenging to accept that you have been cheated on. However, if there are marked physical signs he just slept with someone else, then for your good, you might as well accept it. Only then will you gain clarity on how to proceed. Also, in case things are not as they may seem, then this is an opportunity wherein, as a couple, you can express your concerns and listen to each other’s views without bias. That will surely strengthen your relationship to a great extent. 

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