6 Ways To Take Care of Your Mental Well-Being at Work

Fortunately, people are starting to become more aware of the importance of the well-being of employees in the workplace. We couldn’t help but give the pandemic credit for the changes happening in the workplace starting in 2019. According to studies, in 2019, those surveyed showed at least one symptom of a mental health condition.  

Even though corporations are taking steps toward improving the mental well-being of their employees, it is still a long journey. So, here are some of the best ways to take care of your mental well-being at work.

  1. Start your day the right way

Of course, the right way looks different to everyone, but there are a few things we can all agree on–starting with checking your phone right when you wake up. Our phones are our main source of communication, and to give everyone access to dump whatever they want in our minds first thing in the morning is letting go of so much power. 

When we begin our day with negative news or mindless scrolling, we are basically setting the tone of the day by being stressed or having a negative mindset. Let’s say you are having a tough week at work, and you scroll through Instagram and see your friends having a week off in Hawaii. Wouldn’t that make you feel bad starting your day? The best thing to do is to start your day with some meditation or light exercise without checking your phone for at least an hour.

2. Maintain personal boundaries in the workplace

We all know those work colleagues that want to know every bit and piece happening in everyone’s workplace, and it can be tempting to “bond” with them by sharing a little too much of your personal life at work. Although you can make good friends who have your best interests at heart at work, that is not always the case. 

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So, make sure that you maintain a healthy relationship with your work colleagues while setting personal boundaries. And if someone, including your boss, is emotionally harassing you at work, you can file a personal injury case against them. Check out the Barnes Firm, who say emotional distress is a legit case of personal injury and gives you the right to file against the person intentionally causing it.

3. Focus on what you can do

Rather than focusing on what you can’t do perfectly, focus on your strengths. Capitalize on what you are good at and work on projects that develop this area. Of course, it is good to work on our weaknesses, but if it doesn’t feel natural to you, then maybe it is redirecting you somewhere else. You don’t have to make a drastic shift in your career but maybe change your specialty. Seek out the tasks and projects that bring out the best in you–this helps makes you feel more satisfied at work.

4. Don’t compare your performance to others

It is very hard not to compare yourself to people you see daily, especially if your work is similar. However, when we compare ourselves to people regularly, we make sure that we don’t feel confident and happy at work. Instead, focus on making yourself your only competition. Compare yourself to who you were last month–your performance, your habits, how well you take care of yourself. That will fuel you to become a better version of yourself.

5. Help others

When we help others, we are indirectly helping ourselves. That is because the feeling of helping someone improves your mental health, even if you are not aware of it. Think of a time when you helped someone without expecting anything in return. You will notice that you felt a boost in mood afterward. 

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There are many things you can help others within the workplace, such as offering to take on some tasks off your colleague’s plate if you’re having a light day, volunteering to participate in a special project, suggesting ways to improve a certain department at work, taking on an intern, or even getting them coffee for a day. 

A simple act of kindness can go a long way–not just for you, but for the people in the office. You never know if someone is having a bad day, and by you doing so, you make their mood better. Also, this encourages others around you to do the same, which will maintain a healthy work environment. 

6. Try not to take things personally

Not only is this important in the workplace, but in your entire life. There are things people around you might do that don’t have anything to do with you, so make a conscious decision not to take things personally for your mental well-being. In fact, you can even find humor in it. Taking things lightly will help you tremendously by making you happier.

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