If preparing healthier meals for your family is the goal, you should avoid deep frying, cut back on salt and sugar, and serve smaller portions. And that’s just for starters.
Considering that north of eight in 10 Americans don’t consume enough produce and dairy, and that a mere 2.7% of Americans lead a healthy lifestyle, you can appreciate the importance of focusing on better health habits. You don’t just want to pay lip service to it — you want to achieve it to lower the risks of severe diseases and increase the odds of living a long life.
Here are five must-know tips for cooking healthier meals for your family without jeopardizing flavor.
- Basic Ingredients
One way to cook healthier meals is to keep things simple. Focusing on simple ingredients like fresh produce, proteins, and whole grains is key. You should avoid processed food as much as possible since it’s loaded with sodium, preservatives, and other things that aren’t healthy.
If your family loves eating pasta dishes, try making the spaghetti sauce with fresh tomatoes and other fresh produce rather than the heavily processed spaghetti sauce from the store. You’ll find the food more enjoyable and authentic when you keep things simple with fresh ingredients.
- Measure Ingredients Properly
When measuring the ingredients properly rather than haphazardly, you can cook healthier meals. Eating food in the right amounts will help your family keep their weights at proper levels. But eating too much of even the right thing can lead to unwanted weight gain. Adhering to proper measurements will also help you avoid using too much salt or sugar. Meals will taste better and be more enjoyable when prepared in a way that respects proper measurements.
- Avoid Frying Food
Eating fried food is associated with many potential health problems. For instance, fried food contains excessive levels of trans fat and saturated fat. There’s also the risk of plaque accumulation in arteries, which can boost the odds of heart failure, coronary artery ailments, and other problems. You’ll want to avoid these issues for obvious reasons. While you might want to enjoy a cheat meal once in a while, don’t make a habit of eating fried food.
- Cut Back on Animal Fats
Another good idea is to lessen how much animal fats, like butter and cheese, you incorporate into your meals. Yes, these animal fats can give your food more depth in flavor. But cutting back on how much you use will make your meals healthier. One idea is to use alternatives. So, if a recipe calls for using two cups of butter, try using one cup of butter and one cup of a healthier alternative like olive oil. Instead of loading your lasagna with mozzarella, slash the amount. You can also try a non-dairy cheese — good options in that category are available — for a healthier meal. It might take time to acquire a liking for these alternatives, but your tastebuds will adapt.
- Add Fruits and Veggies
Adding fruits and vegetables to your meals is an easy way to make the meals healthier. You can add vegetables to pasta sauces, soups, stews, and other meals. Another option is to serve large salads alongside the food you normally prepare and serve to your family.
Follow these recommendations to create better food for you and your family. If the goal is better overall health, it’s a good idea to cook as a family, too, so everyone knows what it entails. You can have some people prep the food, others prepare it, and others plate it, whether in your kitchen, on the patio deck with the grill, or in a fancy stainless steel outdoor kitchen.