Starting a new exercise program is not always as easy as people think it will be. Often they begin with the best intentions in mind; however, they quickly lose motivation. Motivation is essential for finding the strength to continue when things got difficult. Having a final goal in mind is what keeps you pushing through when all you want to do is quit.
Where do you find motivation? Ask yourself why you want to start an exercise program. What is it that you want to change in your life? Perhaps it’s an upcoming social event that you want to look good for. Maybe you are tired of feeling tired. Perhaps you just want to try a different kind of lifestyle. Whatever it is that motivates you, hang on to that thought, and follow these tips to get started.
Get Doctors Clearance
The first thing you’ll need to do is ensure that your doctor has given you clearance to be able to exercise. Depending on your level of health, it may not be healthy for you to exert yourself too much. If you have ever suffered a serious injury in the past, or had a particular surgery, your doctor may prefer you to stay away from certain exercises.
The older that you are, the more important that it is to talk to your doctor about how your health pairs with your workout program.
Take Photos
One of the most effective ways to stay motivated during a workout program is to take before and after photos. Many people make the mistake of getting too attached to the number on the scale rather than what they see in the mirror.
Even though you may not think you’re making much progress, you’ll find that if you look at photos, you’ll see you’ve made much more progress than you thought. Always take a photo at the beginning of your journey along with recording your measurements.
Choose Your Workout Program
There are plenty of workout programs out there to choose from. Some people may find that a DVD works best for them, while other people prefer going to a gym.
When choosing a workout, make sure that it’s something you enjoy. Settling for something that you are likely to grow bored of could result in quitting early on.
Always Stretch and Cool Down
In order to avoid injury, it’s important to always stretch before and after your workout. Even though you may be anxious to get started and finish quickly, it can save you a considerable amount of pain later on.
Be Patient!
Results take time when you start a new workout program. Don’t get too impatient! Stay motivated and keep showing up to do the work every day. Even though you may be anxious to see results right away, it usually takes about 8 to see significant changes.
Also Read: 4 Tips For Starting a New Workout Routine