Dance Your Way to A Healthy Lifestyle

Dance Your Way to A Healthy Lifestyle

Dancing has a strong connection with music. Whenever you hear a song that gets into your soul, your body eagers to start moving on its rhythm. Dancing and music are interconnected as dance teaches you about music, rhythm, and beat. On the other hand, music wakes up the adrenaline from your body making you wish to engage in its rhythm and start moving. Dancing is an excellent and entertaining way to achieve all-round fitness. It strengthens your bones, improves your posture and flexibility, and has spectacular positive effects on your brain. Here are a few of the most important benefits of dance:

Dance Your Way to A Healthy Lifestyle

Dancing Improves Overall Physical Health

Perhaps one of the most obvious benefits of dancing is the fact that it increases physical strength and health. Dancing is an enjoyable way to get your body moving and keep your heart racing for good health. As it provides a high-intensity and low-impact workout, it offers a full body workout. Moreover, dancing is great for increasing the flexibility of your body. it enables your body to move in ways and positions which are not typical in your everyday life. Therefore, it provides your muscles with a good stretch that increases your flexibility.  Dancing also improves your heart health. Not only because dancing boosts a good mood and joy in your heart, but it also improves its health as you are getting an extra cardiovascular workout. Also, lung capacity and health are increased through body movements while you are dancing. Balance and special awareness are also a part pf our bodies which can be improved through dancing. If you are prone to dizziness, studies show that dancing may help with improving your balance. It requires bodily awareness as you need to be aware of the ways your body moves within a space. Probably one of the most important health benefits of dancing is the strengthening of your bones which results in reduced risk of osteoporosis. Medical specialists have suggested that dancing has very effective ways of strengthening the bones and improve balance to prevent falls and broken bones. Craig Revel Horwood is a patron of the National Osteoporosis Society being inspired by his mother’s debilitating battle with this condition. He is a choreographer and theatre director, and yes, he is a great dancer too. Therefore, he promotes dance as an invigorating engaging and a great weight-bearing exercise for bone health and osteoporosis prevention.

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Dance Your Way to A Healthy Lifestyle

Dancing Is the Language of The Body

Dancing allows people to express themselves. It is a form of art created with our bodies’ movements that help us express our deepest emotions and thoughts. Certainly, the combination of dancing and music can trigger powerful emotions in the hearts of the audience. The body becomes the instrument used for expression and communication. Depending on the type of dancing that people perform on a stage, they may express different moods and emotions. For example, tango is known as a passionate dance which easily shows passion between the dancers. On the other hand, ballet is a dance which expresses grace and nobleness. According to the dance performed by the dancers on the stage, the audience is enhanced to feel different types of feelings from joy and happiness to sadness or adrenaline.

Dance Your Way to A Healthy Lifestyle

Dancing Is A Powerful Social Magnet

Another wonderful benefit of dance is an increased social connection. Both solo and partner dance can be a great way to meet people. The trend of social gatherings which interact through dance has old ancient bases in every culture. People used to dance on special events and social gatherings as an activity of socialization. Therefore, even nowadays, dancing can help us establish social connections with the people around us. having the same taste of music and dance makes people gather together in the same places at the same time to share their passion. Therefore, they feel connected to each other and the socialization process is enhanced through this activity. Specialists also claim that dancing is a physical activity which is particularly potent to create social closeness through the release of endorphins. Dancing boosts a positive mood in our bodies which helps us synch up our brains and body movements with the other people who surround us. These effects lead to the creation of a whole group by eliminating any barriers of differences that might exist between the individuals of the group. It provides entertainment and bonding for people of all ages, races, and backgrounds.

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Dance Your Way to A Healthy Lifestyle

Dancing Has the Power to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Why is dancing so good for the brain? Although dancing implies physical movement which is associated with the release of endorphins and good feeling in the body, there seems to be more about the magical way dancing is good for the brain. Dancing improves brain function on a variety of levels. For example, medical studies suggest that dancing boosts cerebral and cognitive performance through the processes accomplished by the muscle memory held in the cerebellum. Visualizing the movements can, therefore, improve muscle memory. Another benefit of dance which affects our mental wellbeing is increased confidence. Through learning and mastering the skill of dancing is triggering us to feel more confident in ourselves. The sense of accomplishment, pride, and appreciation from others can make us develop self-confidence and feel good about ourselves.

Dance Your Way to A Healthy Lifestyle

Also, dancing is connected to music as we dance on the rhythm of it. Music is used by some specialists as a natural stress-relief therapy. It provides mental and emotional comfort by helping us cope and express negative feelings, as well as positive emotions. Music makes people relax and its blending with dancing has a powerful effect on reducing stress and anxiety. As our minds relax, the muscles also loosen up and  the tension and stress melt away leaving us an overall feeling of wellbeing.

Dancing is a spectacular full workout for the body. The combination of moves produces a gentle aerobic workout which promotes overall health and wellbeing.

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