Birth Injury 101: 10 Steps to Take


It can be challenging for parents whose children experience birth injuries to adjust to life. The awful truth is that medical negligence or malpractice is frequently the cause of birth injuries. Doctors may get preoccupied, distracted, or try taking shortcuts which costs the newborns dearly.

Determining what to do to help ensure the baby has the best, most independent life possible is one of the hardest things for parents to do after learning of a traumatic birth. This article lists the steps parents should take if their child suffers a traumatic birth injury.

  1. Seek Proper Treatment

The most crucial thing to do when your baby sustains a birth injury is to make sure they receive the right care. Ask all questions necessary regarding your baby’s treatment plan and care. As a new parent, you have discretion over how your child is cared for; if one of your child’s doctors or other medical professionals makes you uncomfortable, you can request a different one. Given that some birth injuries can be very serious, you must see to it that your infant receives treatment as quickly as possible. The prognosis is improved with early treatment.

   2. File A Malpractice Lawsuit

You don’t have to deal with the consequences unfairly if your baby suffered injuries during delivery. If you suspect that medical malpractice or neglect was the reason for your child’s birth injury, then you should get your child’s case reviewed. You can visit to get a case review for a malpractice lawsuit. If your case has enough evidence and is determined to be eligible for a malpractice claim, you should hire a lawyer to fight your case. This way, you’ll be able to secure substantial compensation from the hospital responsible, which will help you pay for your child’s treatment and other medical expenses.

   3. Collect A Record Of What Happened

Keep a record of your injuries by keeping a journal that includes the dates of your medical visits, the results, and your narrative of the events that occurred during and after the birth injury. Keeping a notebook with the dates of your doctor visits, the outcomes, and your account of the circumstances leading up to, during, and following the birth injury will help you keep track of your injuries.

   4. Look For A Lawyer

Your prospects of winning your case greatly depend on the quality of the birth injury lawyer you choose. A skilled birth injury attorney will be able to compile crucial evidence, find qualified witnesses if necessary, and bargain with the doctor’s malpractice insurance carrier to get you the compensation you are due. Before selecting one, you may want to schedule meetings with many different birth injury attorneys. This will help you find one with whom you feel most at ease with working and discussing the circumstances surrounding the delivery of your child.

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    5. Hire An Experienced Expert Lawyer

Many law firms don’t deal with birth injury cases directly. Collaborating with a business that specifically takes on birth injury cases is best. They are significantly more likely to have the in-depth knowledge of law and medicine needed to win in these difficult instances.

    6. Realize the Benefits of Your Claim

The severity of birth injuries can range from small concerns to lifelong, serious disorders. To establish the value of your claim, it is crucial to consult with your child’s doctors and your birth injury lawyer. If a doctor’s carelessness during your delivery caused your kid to go through any birth complication or injury, you should get the compensation that will allow you to provide for your child’s needs for the rest of his or her life.

      7. Get Proper Rehabilitation

A child with a birth injury will typically require treatment and rehabilitation services. For children with more severe birth injuries to be able to function well, rehabilitation treatments are typically needed for the rest of their lives. Giving your child as many rehabilitation opportunities as possible is crucial. These tools may have an impact on your child’s ability to walk, learn, and take care of themselves in the future.

Your child may require the following:

  • Muscle strengthening and enhancing mobility through physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech and language therapy to enhance communication
  • A special education program created with each child’s unique developmental requirements in mind
  • Drug therapy to regulate mood and support developmental improvement                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      8. Supplemental Security Income
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Children with serious birth injuries often qualify for supplemental security income. Adults and children with disabilities who fall below certain income and resource thresholds are eligible for monthly payments through the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. Children under 18 with a birth injury can qualify for SSI. 

In order to determine if a child with a birth injury is eligible for SSI payments, you must complete an application process. Certain conditions result in automatic SSI eligibility. 

        9. Public Grants

On a case-by-case basis, certain hospitals and private foundations offer grants (money) to help pay for particular expenses that children with birth injuries or impairments could have. They may cover the cost of travel, supplies, medications, or other healthcare expenses. Here are some organizations that offer grants:

  • Association of Blind Citizens Assistive Technology Fund: gives grants for assistive technology equal to 50% of the cost of some products.
  • Aubrey Rose Foundation: provides financial assistance to families of children with serious illnesses to cover medical expenses.
  • First-hand Foundation: offers grants for non-insurance costs such as medical care, travel, housing, vehicle modifications, assistive technology, and other expenses.                                                                                                                                                                                        10. Getting Help From Experts and Networks

The parents of children with a birth injury can benefit from interacting with each other and sharing their experiences. Being able to talk about all the practical aspects of raising a child with a birth injury and knowing that you’re not alone in this is healthy. You can frequently learn about the resources available and potential medical treatments just by talking to each other.


If your child is suffering as a result of a birth injury, you don’t have to isolate or blame yourself. It’s time to hire a qualified birth injury lawyer to handle the case and secure some semblance of justice for your child. Birth injury compensation will enable you to give your child the finest care available for any birth damage.

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