If you are acquainted with Marijuana and its components, then you must be aware of Cannabinoids, and about the Best CBD oil as well. Cannabinoids are a class of naturally occurring chemicals that act on the cannabinoid receptors present in a human body. Cannabinoid oil (CBD Oil), also known as hash oil or honey oil is an oleoresin that is extracted from the cannabis plant or the hemp plant. Founded in the 1970s in Afghanistan, hash oil was smuggled to America until the late 1980s when an explosion in the facility took place. Presently, CBD oil is synthesized in America and is legalized in many states of the country.
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Epidiolex is the brand name under which CBD extract is sold. Epidiolex is used to treat several medical conditions, such as Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome. Epidiolex is sold as an oral solution and has to be taken orally. If taken by colloquial methods, the drug will lose its effect. CBD concentration in Epidiolex is generally 100mg/ml, and the dosage is usually twice a day or as directed by the doctor or the pharmacist. If you are a commercially insured patient, you will not end up paying more than $25 per month for Epidiolex but if you are purchasing Epidiolex from a dispensary or online store, you may end up spending up to $32,000 per year keeping in mind that a 150lb teen needs a dose of 650mg CBD per day.
CBD Oil vs. Epidiolex
CBD Oil is the cannabinoid extract that is extracted from the marijuana plant. It contains several cannabinoids and phytonutrients such as terpenes and flavonoids. CBD oil is also known to contain some amounts of THC. On the other hand, Epidiolex is an isolated form of CBD oil that is devoid of terpenes and flavonoids, which nullifies a number of benefits CBD is known for. Epidiolex is known for treating Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome only whereas, CBD oil is known to have a list of benefits other than treating these disorders. These benefits are discussed below in detail.
Benefits of CBD Oil
CBD oil is known to be a natural painkiller and contains inflammatory properties. CBD oil provides a natural alternative to relieve pain. People go for prescription drugs or over-the-counter drugs to get rid of chronic pain or inflammation. These drugs are not only harmful to health by offering hazardous side effects, but are also psychoactive and addictive. CBD oil does not contain THC and thus, is not psychoactive and addictive.
CBD oil is also known to treat epilepsy. Epidiolex, the brand name of CBD can be prescribed in the US to treat Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) and Dravet syndrome (DS). LGS affects children between the age of three to five years that involves different kinds of seizures, whereas DS is a genetic problem that involves frequent fever-related seizures in the first year of life. After thorough research on the effectiveness and safety of CBD oil for the treatment of epilepsy, the FDA approved the use of CBD for the treatment of two conditions of epileptic seizures in 2018. According to the FDA, doctors cannot prescribe Epidolex to children younger than two years, and physicians and pharmacists have to determine the dosage, based on body weight.
CBD is also known to treat various neuropsychiatric disorders. CBD was found to have anti-seizure properties and lower risk of side effects for people who have epilepsy. CBD was also found to treat disorders related to epilepsy, like neurodegeneration, neuronal injury, and psychiatric diseases. CBD was also found to provide an effective and safe treatment for schizophrenia. According to a study in Current Pharmaceutical Design, CBD was found to produce effects similar to that of certain antipsychotic drugs. According to a study, CBD can be used to prevent the spread of cancer. The compound was found to suppress the growth of cancer cells and promote their destruction. CBD was also found to have low levels of toxicity. A trusted CBD brand can work wonders in your life.
According to a study which has been published in Addictive Behaviors, smokers that used inhalers that contained CBD ended up smoking fewer cigarettes than usual and also experienced little to no nicotine craving. Similarly, a study published in Neurotherapeutics discovered that CBD could be an ideal treatment for people suffering from opioid addiction disorders. When tested, it was found that CBD reduced withdrawal symptoms like anxiety, pain, mood-related symptoms, and insomnia. Although a bit more research is needed on this topic, the initial studies indicate promising results in quitting smoking and treating addiction disorders.
Doctors advise patients of anxiety disorders to buy CBD oil as it can promote the condition of anxiety and paranoia. However, CBD, on the other hand, reduces anxiety and can help in the treatment of anxiety and related disorders. CBD is known to treat post-traumatic stress disorder, general anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Treatments of these disorders can cause side effects which can lead the patient to stop taking the medication. CBD is not known to produce any such side effects and adverse effects.
According to a study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, CBD can prevent the development of social recognition deficit in participants. CBD can help patients of Alzheimer disease in their early stages to remember faces of people. Inflammation and overuse of sebaceous glands lead to a widespread skin problem called acne. According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, CBD helps in lowering the production of Sebum. Sebum is an oily substance which, when overproduced, can lead to acne. Efforts are being made to use CBD for the treatment of acne vulgaris.
Type I diabetes is caused when the cells of the pancreas are attacked by the immune system that causes inflammation. According to the Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, CBD can ease the inflammation in the pancreas and protect against the development of type I diabetes.
Side Effects of CBD Oil
Cannabinoids are considered safe, with almost no side effects. Increased dosage for more than a month can result in dry mouth, low blood pressure, lightheadedness, and drowsiness. Pregnant women and breastfeeding women should avoid consuming cannabinoids. Although no scientific evidence backs this theory, it is good to be on the safer side. People who have Parkinson’s disease should avoid the consumption of cannabinoids. Research suggests that taking a high dosage of CBD can worsen muscle movement and tremors for patients of Parkinson’s disease.
Some brands are better than others. Leaders like CBD assures the best effects.
Types of CBD Oils
CBD oils commonly come in five different types. These are Regular CBD Oil, MCT Oil, CBD Honey Tincture, Hemp Seed Oil, and Olive Oil. All of these types are discussed briefly below.
* Regular CBD Oil: Regular CBD Oil is the traditional CBD oil that is mixed with vegetable glycerin. Regular CBD oil is good for oral ingestion and can be taken directly or can be mixed with food.
* MCT Oil: MCT stands for Medium Chail Glycerides. MCT oil is a type of oil in which CBD oil is mixed with MCT oil and is extracted from coconut oil. This type of oil can also be mixed with honey. MCT oil is good of oral drops, cooking, or mixed with food.
* CBD Honey Tincture: CBD Honey Tincture is a type of oil in which CBD is mixed with honey. This type of oil is good as an oral drop, cooked, or mixed with food.
* Hemp Seed Oil: CBD mixed with Hemp seed oil is a natural full-spectrum oil that is a good source of protein, polyunsaturated and fatty omega acids, Vitamin E and antioxidants. You can take this oil directly by placing a few drops under your tongue, or by mixing it in your favorite drink.
* Olive Oil: CBD with olive oil is excellent for daily use as it can be added to salads or foods for getting benefits of CBD and the flavor of fresh virgin olive oil.