Ideal Teeth Whitening Options

Ideal Teeth Whitening Options

Professional teeth bleaching or teeth whitening delivers beautiful results in a short amount of time. Teeth whitening is popular with a majority of people in the U.S. and in many other countries. This whitening process is very effective on the surface (“extrinsic”) of your teeth to remove stains.

DIY Teeth Whiteners

In the hands of a cosmetic dentist, whitening your teeth with varying options only takes up to 90 minutes or less. Yes, you have whitening options that can be performed in the privacy of your home. Some of these over-the-counter options are:

  • gels that are used in a mouthpiece that fit onto your teeth.
  • whitening strips that adhere to your teeth
  • whitening toothpaste
  • whitening pens
  • tooth whitening flosses
  • whitening chewing gum

Remember those whitening products used at home are temporary, but they do work. Once you eat, smoke, or drink things that stain, your teeth will become dull again. Whitening your teeth at home takes anywhere from two to four weeks or longer depending on the strength of the peroxide used in the product. What is so interesting about our teeth is that the pellicle or the thin coating on our teeth enamel is porous, thus our teeth will easily hold onto stains.

What Affects The Color of Your Teeth

Even your genes and age affects how thick or thin your enamel will be. Tooth enamel is very important in keeping our oral hygiene healthy. Enamel covering protects our teeth from what we eat or drink and enamel help to keep our teeth white. Keeping our teeth enamel healthy is vital because when it is worn away, it can’t be restored.

Other causes of yellowing or the darkening of our teeth are attributed to trauma to our mouth. An oral injury can cause our teeth to change color. Medications, medical procedures or prescription drugs is another culprit that change the color of our teeth. Antihistamines, high blood pressure medications, certain antibiotics, and chemotherapy all may have a discoloration effect on adult teeth.

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Don’t worry, you can still have your teeth whitened under the expert training of a dental surgeon or a cosmetic surgical dentist like Marc Lazare. The methods used by Dr. Lazare are safe and well tested. The oral whitening systems used by Lazare are designed to eliminate tooth sensitivity which can sometimes occur after taking medications or undergoing chemotherapy treatments.

Skills of Cosmetic Dentists

Professional cosmetic dentists and plastic surgeons are skilled in how to brighten your teeth. They understand the underlying dental problems you may have before the whitening process begins. Of course, your M.D., M.A.G.D. surgeon and dental specialists will clean your teeth first to remove plaque or food film and bacteria particles. Next, your doctor will examine your teeth for any problems you may have.

As an example, if you have cavities they must be treated before your whitening process begins. Suppose you have receding gums, whitening cannot make them brighter. Also, your professional cosmetic dental surgeon or plastic surgeon will talk to you about how whitening will make your teeth sensitive if you have certain underlying oral problems. Also, whitening does not work on crowns or veneers.

Dental Whitening Options

Many of the at-home whitening solutions are also used by professionals only with stronger hydrogen peroxide and advanced equipment. In-office whitening is performed under the auspices of an expert and experienced cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Marc Lazare who is the Master of the Academy of General Dentistry. Dr. Lazare is proficient in surgical and non-surgical techniques. Dr. Lazare is highly regarded by his industry peers as an authority on cosmetic dentistry. He is also considered as the “Dentist to the Stars.”

Cosmetic dentists and cosmetic surgeons use powerful whitening gel to bleach your teeth that is activated by a laser or an LED light technology. Don’t be surprised if you need more than one appointment because different teeth stains respond differently to each treatment. Basically, your dental surgeon will place a specialized substance over your gums to protect them followed by your whitening agent. There is also in-office bleaching technique that can be used in conjunction with the dentist-prescribed home whitening for a more efficient technique or for stubborn discolorations.

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Cosmetic dental surgeons trained in whitening your teeth also use customized whitening trays. The trays are made by your physician who has made an impression of your teeth. A whitening gel is placed in the trays which are then inserted into your mouth, covering the teeth. The trays are designed to securely hold the whitening gel in place while in your mouth but also protecting the gums.

There is a myth that whitening causes damage to your tooth enamel and causes hot and cold sensitivity. This is not true! Whitening your teeth is designed to only reverse the stains. This process is a surface only cosmetic improvement to help improve your appearance and that is all. The main purpose of undergoing professional teeth brightening process is that it gives you the best results in a shorter length of time and without all the mess and fuss of at-home options.

Dr. Marc Lazare, D.D.S., M.A.G.D. is certified to provide a myriad of general and cosmetic dental procedures. When you are ready for a free consultation on what to expect on whitening your teeth, contact Mr. Lazare in his New York office. Dr. Lazare is a member of the clinical faculty at the NYU College of Dentistry and he is part of the teaching staff at North Shore University Hospital. He began the Teeth Whitening Division at North Shore University Hospital that utilizes the latest in dental technology.

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