How to Write a Resume for a Fitness Job

The profession of a fitness instructor is very popular these days. People consume a huge amount of fast food and often maintain an unhealthy lifestyle in general, therefore suffering from obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other diseases. According to, “today, 2.1 billion people – nearly 30% of the world’s population – are either obese or overweight, according to a new, first-of-its kind analysis of trend data from 188 countries”.

Therefore, the demand for certified fitness professionals is constantly growing.

However, if you want to work in fitness industry, you need to create a good resume that would help you reach your goals.

As you know, a professionally written CV is the best way to get your dream job.


These resume tips are designed to help you with this.

1. Focus on your introduction.

The interviewers are usually very busy. They review dozens of resumes, so you need to capture their attention quickly.

The introduction is the key that encourages people to take time to read your CV.

It’s all about self-presentation and ability to sell oneself. You need to write an intriguing description of your skills, experience, and achievements. You can read more about introducing yourself for a job interview here.

Briefly describe why you are an appropriate candidate for this job and how much you can benefit this company.

This will catch the readers’ attention and will focus it on the main part of your resume.

2. Make it brief and accurate.

Shortness and accuracy are the master key to a good CV.

To make a resume clear and easy to understand, you need to point the basic items out:

  • Personal Information
  • Education
  • Work Experience
  • Skills
  • Other Information
  • References
  • Cover Letter
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Personal information includes your contact details: name, address, telephone, e-mail.

In Education section, you describe the college or university you attended.

You can list degrees earned, grade-point averages, academic honors, any fitness certifications and advanced specializations you received during your studies.

How to Write a Resume for a Fitness Job pressing bar


Work experience

You need to list all work experience you had.

It should be related to the position you’re applying for as closely as possible.

If you don’t have experience in the fitness industry, you should focus on the fact why you want to try it in your resume.


This section should list each of your key skills like the group/personal training, physical conditions, knowledge about physiology and nutrition, first aid in case of injuries.

If you’re lacking fitness-related work experience, you can mention the skills you have built, for example, as a manager. Many skills like communication or business insights can be useful in the fitness industry too.

Other Information:

  • Special skills (ex. Web Design)
  • Teaching experience (ex. Diving Instructor)
  • Participation in sports competitions, workshops or conventions
  • Continuing education courses
  • Professional memberships in sports clubs


Try to provide references from people who are fitness professionals or related to fitness in some way. They can be coaches, teammates or professors from your college/university.

Let them speak with your potential employers about your experience in fitness if it can help you to get the job. This is especially important if you don’t have any direct client experience.

Get people’s permission before listing them as references, and include their names, your relationship, and current contact information. Read this article and add the references in your resume.

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Cover Letter

Many companies won’t consider your resume without a cover letter.

Introduce yourself, write about your skills and how they apply to this position.

Add the same contact details as in your resume.

Don’t forget to thank the person for reviewing this message (ex. Thank you for your time).

Personalize the cover letter with a professional greeting (ex. Dear Mr. Name of employer) and closing lines (ex. Sincerely).

3. The Perfect Match

You can make your resume more effective if you adapt it for a specific job (ex. Group Fitness Instructor). If you know about the skills required for this job, you can organize your resume directly around these skills.

You should focus on the employer’s stated requirements for the position, tailor your resume for this job and make yourself an ideal candidate.

  1. Be Energetic and Ambitious

Show the employer that you are an ambitious person with your resume.

It is important for an employer to know that their employees are passionate about their job and want to make a career with them.

Moreover, a good fitness resume needs to be more energetic than a standard resume. Employers will assume that you can bring this enthusiasm to your clients as well.

5. Check All Spelling

Don’t forget to check your resume for spelling mistakes or grammatical errors.

It would be sad if you don’t get an invitation for a job interview because of some kind of foolish mistake.

Carefully check the resume again before sending it to the employer.

You can also use a cv writing service to help you or try creating a resume on your own using the following tips.

Author’s Bio:

Charles Ebert guest author bioCharles is a career mentor, motivational speaker & human resources consultant with over 10 years of experience in HR sector. Apart from career mentoring, he loves photography and football. Find him on Linkedin Twitter, Facebook & Google+.