Supplements Are Taking the World by Storm. Here’s What You Need to Know

Supplements pill pile many colors



Supplements are a largely unregulated industry which is the reason for a lot of controversy and scare. Many people are afraid to buy different supplements or even try them, and doctors occasionally have a hard time recommending certain brands of supplements because they’re either synthetic or aren’t proven to do much of anything.

Fortunately, more and more research has been done on these “miracle” pills which is starting to shed more light onto what supplements can actually do for us. So to get started, here’s a quick and brief guide on supplements and the things that you need to know.

Many supplements are synthetic

Synthetic means that the supplement has been created from artificial chemicals and other sources that aren’t meant for human consumption. However, over 90% of supplements on the market today are actually entirely synthetic, with the remaining 10% being natural or at least partially natural. This is because natural supplements are difficult and expensive to make since they require the original source or a natural source. Vitamin B17, for example, comes from apricot kernels and not many suppliers bother to source it naturally.

They don’t replace your diet, they help it

Something that many people don’t understand about supplements is that they’re not meant to replace fruits and vegetables. Instead, they supplement your diet. When you look at your diet, you need to take into consideration what you don’t eat enough of. For example, if you don’t eat many fruits that are high in vitamin C, then you could take a vitamin C tablet to help boost your immune system. Likewise, if you don’t eat enough fatty fish, then you could take a fish oil capsule to get your recommended daily amount of omega-3 fatty acids.

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You should always consult your doctor first

In the past, doctors may have had mixed opinions about different supplements and the likelihood of it improving your health. Nowadays, doctors around the world generally share the same opinion: it helps your health and boosts your well-being, but there will always be concerns. For example, if you are currently taking medication, then it could have an adverse effect if taken together with supplements. Before you start taking something, consider your health and always consult your doctor if you are taking medication for something else.

Supplements eat with fruits and vegetables


Supplements should be taken with food.

Since supplements need to be absorbed into the system, it makes sense to eat them shortly before or after your food to help them digest easily into your system. Taking supplements at the right time of the day could improve their effects since there’s less chance that it will pass through your system without first being absorbed into your body. Most supplements should be taken with a breakfast meal so that it has time to digest throughout the day.

Always follow the dosage

Supplements shouldn’t be taken whenever you feel like it. They should be taken at regular intervals so that your body can get used to the increase in nutrients, and you should never take them more often than described on the label. This is because an overload in nutrients can be harmful to your body, and you could end up feeling nauseated or sick because of it.