Gymnastics: What It Really Takes To Be A Winner

gymnastics winner


Daily Exercise

It is recommended that children have 60 minutes of exercise every day, and Adults aged 18 and over should do 30 minutes of exercise at least five days per week. Gymnastics is a great way!

Improved Self-Esteem

Children who participate in physical activities like gymnastics are likely to have better self-esteem and self-efficacy.


Flexibility is a very important factor in gymnastics. Increasing flexibility is also an effective way to avoid injury because it prevents people from forcing a limb in a direction is doesn’t want to go in. By learning movements and combining them in a routine, the gymnast can achieve better flexibility and greater control of their body.

Disease Prevention

Taking part in gymnastics helps to maintain a healthy body, which is great for preventing numerous health conditions like cancer, obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Being involved in gymnastics helps encourage a healthy lifestyle, by weekly physical activities and eating a well-balanced diet.


Balance is key to becoming successful within the world of gymnastics. But how can gymnastics improve good posture, balance, and control? Gymnastics teaches girls and boys how to have balance in their life, how to walk with a straight back and a head held high. All this results in having a strong posture. With many gymnasts putting in over 20 hours in the gym each week, they have to learn to balance school, sleep, recovery, and nutrition.

Strong, Healthy Bones

Weight-bearing activities (like gymnastics) can develop strong, healthy bones, and the younger you start this, the better. When we age, we experience a decrease in bone mass every year, and we can’t stop this from happening. But starting out young can help reduce the risks of developing osteoporosis later on in life.


Doing gymnastics does not only offer physical gains; it also improves concentration and mental focus in someone’s life. Gymnastics allows children to really think for themselves, which stimulates their imaginations and they learn to solve problems safely.


By applying the right conditioning to gymnasts, people become better equipped to avoid dangerous situations by quickly identifying them and naturally correcting body alignment when walking, standing or jumping, etc.

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Strength Development

Gymnasts are some of the best athletes in the world. Gymnastics uses almost every single muscle in the body, which strengthens the upper body, lower body, and core.

male winner of gymnastics
Nolan Melson, Class of 2011, performs his rings routine during the 20thannual men’s gymnastics West Point Open Jan. 14, in Christl Arena. Seven colleges and more than six hundred athletes participated in the two-day
event, featuring some of the best collegiate and youth gymnasts from the
East Coast region. Friday was the team competition, from which those whoplaced in the top 8 qualified for Saturday individual finals. Photo by Tommy Gilligan/West Point Public Affairs



Gymnastics instills a strong sense of discipline in people and is taught at a very early age. A gymnast needs to be able to have discipline in order to have success. Many gymnasts will miss out on events in their personal life because they are so serious about the sport. You have to be willing to miss birthday parties, sleepovers, school functions and personal relationships because you will be too busy training in the gym. This requires a lot of discipline to be able to stay focused on the goal and understand it will pay off in the long run.


Although gymnastics is an individual sport (as seen on the tv), you learn great teamwork skills because you are consistently working together and helping each other every day when you train. Gymnasts come to understand that teamwork is a necessary element if you want to be the next success.


This sport is so tough and demanding at times which takes a lot of hard work. Coaches see a lot of gymnastics quitting due to the dedication it takes. True gymnasts will do anything and everything to be in the gym training.


In order to be a successful gymnast, you have to be consistent. This is a life skill that will be used in the real world, not just the gymnastic world. Consistency is learned from trying over and over and never giving up. Gymnasts strive to become the strongest competitor through hard work and training.


Another skill learned from gymnastics is determination. Gymnasts will need to be determined to learn new things, face fears, accomplish goals, compete fearlessly and stay positive throughout.

Mental Strength

Most gymnasts will experience injuries throughout their career. You learn as an athlete how to be tough and push through pain, injury, soreness, and defeat.  Meaning you gain the mental strength never to give up.

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Respect is one of those life skills that is taught to not only gymnasts but any other sports competitor. The relationship between a gymnast and a coach is built strongly off of respect. With respect comes trust. Gymnasts also learn how to give, and also gain respect from other competitors throughout their career.

Social Skills

Gymnastics provides so many opportunities to developing social skills, for any ages. Young children learn how to stand in line, look, listen, be quiet when others are talking, work and think independently, and how to be respectful of others. The older children learn how to set a good example for the people who look up to them and become role models at an early age.


Nutrition, diet, and strength are all very important in the sport of gymnastics. The sport teaches gymnasts how crucial it is to have a balanced diet in order to reach their highest potential. Many coaches and clubs often ‘teach’ their students how to eat and drink properly to stay healthy throughout their career. Gymnasts also learn the importance of strength. Strength and conditioning build up the muscle and prevent injury to your body when landing hard after doing a ton of flips and tricks. Nutrition is also important when a gymnast has injured themselves, and they regain their strength quicker by eating the correct foods.


As a young child entering the sport of gymnastics, they will quickly become part of the family. Many gymnasts will train together for over ten years throughout their career. This time spent together allows gymnasts all the time in the world to build strong friendships and relationships with each other. It’s the kind of sport that gives you the chance to make friends with people from all over the world. Resulting in lifelong friends.

gymnastics winner teammates


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