A Mommy Makeover and Why You Should Care

A Mommy Makeover

A Mommy Makeover is a term used to describe a set of cosmetic surgery procedures that can address common issues related to childbearing, including loose skin and excess fat in the abdominal area as well as sagging breasts. It’s very common for women to develop these physical changes after pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. A Mommy makeover after pregnancy can help restore your body’s pre-pregnancy appearance by addressing these issues at the same time.

If you are interested in rejuvenating your body after pregnancy, you may be an excellent candidate for a Mommy Makeover. However, it is important to consider whether now is the right time for you to have this procedure. In general, it is best to wait until you are finished having children before you have a Mommy Makeover. This is because future pregnancies could reverse some of the benefits you achieve with your Mommy makeover procedures.

Why You Should Do a Mommy Makeover

Flatter stomach

Most women who want a mommy makeover want to improve their abdomen. Some just want the excess skin removed, which can be done with a tummy tuck, while others need their abdominal muscles tightened and some fat removed, requiring liposuction and abdominoplasty.

A flat stomach after pregnancy is not common. Even if you are back to your pre-pregnancy weight, likely, your stomach is still protruding due to stretched abdominal muscles. Having a belly button that sticks out instead of being flat against the abdomen is an even more common complaint. A mommy makeover allows you to fix both of these issues for a flatter stomach and a smaller waistline.

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Firmer breasts

Women often notice changes to their breasts following pregnancy and breastfeeding, when their breasts lose volume and begin to sag. A mommy makeover can restore the firmness, fullness, and lift of your breasts by using a breast lift or implants. If you have excess skin on your stomach, tummy tuck surgery can remove it for a flatter, smoother stomach that looks beautiful in any outfit.

Improved self-confidence

It isn’t only about looking better in a swimsuit. It can also help improve your self-confidence and self-esteem so you feel good about the way you look regardless of what you’re wearing. With this renewed confidence, you’ll be able to focus on being the best mother possible for your children instead of worrying about how you look in front of other people.

Different Procedures of a Mommy Makeover 

A mommy makeover can include several different procedures, depending on your individual needs. The most common procedures performed during a mommy makeover include:

Breast Augmentation

Childbirth can cause the breasts to lose volume and sag. Pregnancy hormones also stimulate milk ducts, which increases the size of the breasts, but once you stop breastfeeding, the breasts can appear droopy and deflated. Breast augmentation is one way that you can restore fullness and perkiness to your breasts.

Tummy Tuck

If you’ve noticed loose skin and excess fat around your abdomen following pregnancy, a tummy tuck can help tighten up your midsection by removing this excess skin and fat. Women who have had C-sections may also benefit from this surgery as it will remove any scarring from the incision site.

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Liposuction is one of the most popular procedures that women choose from when they are looking at having a mommy makeover. This is because, after pregnancy, many women want to get rid of all of their baby fat and get back into shape. Liposuction can help them get rid of this fat in problem areas such as the tummy, hips, and thighs. Liposuction is also one of the best ways to flatten out a saggy tummy and remove any stretch marks associated with pregnancy. Another benefit of liposuction is that the patient will lose inches off their waistline, which means they will be able to wear clothing faster than they would if they just tried dieting alone.

Key Takeaway

If you have been unhappy with the way you look since giving birth, you may be a good candidate for a Mommy Makeover. A Mommy Makeover is a non-invasive surgical procedure designed to help mothers restore their bodies to their pre-pregnancy shape. The procedure can include a tummy tuck, breast lift, and liposuction.

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