Rest & relaxation: prepping your home for a tummy tuck

Rest & relaxation

Abdominoplasty, or a “tummy tuck”, can be a great way to remove excess skin and fat from the stomach to reveal a slimmer, firmer physique. If you’ve decided to receive a tummy tuck, good for you! It’s an exciting time that could potentially change your life in amazing ways!

But, like any surgery, you have to be prepared for when you’re resting up, taking it easy and recuperating so that you achieve the best results.

One of the ways to prepare yourself for after your abdominoplasty is to ensure the home is ready. You don’t want to come back to a home that can’t fulfill your need for optimal recuperation, so follow these tips to prepare the house for resting in the post-tummy tuck period…

  • Prep your meals

When you get home from your tummy tuck, it is recommended that you take a few days to rest and relax on the couch. You may want to get back into your everyday routine, but this may inhibit the recovery period and could impede on the results.

Instead, you want to make sure everything you need is always at the ready – food is no exception! Prepare healthy, nutritious meals in advance before putting them in separate containers. This way, you can easily reheat them on the stove or in the microwave for when you can’t be moving around too much and doing things like preparing full meals!

  • Make a cosy space

As aforementioned, you may not recover as well or achieve the best results if you try to be too active too quickly. If there was ever a time in your life when you needed to relax, take it easy and take ultimate care of yourself it is now.

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Prepare a cosy space in your living room with plenty of pillows as your body has to remain elevated. What’s more, you will want all your essentials (phone, tablet, TV remotes, water) in reachable distance. Be sure to place these on the table next to your cosy, elevated chilling space.

  • Enlist a friend to help

There’s absolutely no shame in asking a close friend or loved one to assist you in the day or two post-abdominoplasty. There is a good chance you will be quite woozy after your surgery and will require a friend’s assistance to get home from the clinic.

What’s more, you might need them to help you around the home for a day or two after the surgery. Ask your friend to help with things like cooking, cleaning, taking the kids to school – whatever chores you would usually do that you will be unable to for a few days post-surgery.

  • Keep things at a good height

The last thing you want to be doing when recovering from cosmetic surgery is reaching up for things and bending over for things. This can irritate the stomach and cause some pain when you really should just be taking it easy. So, be sure to put all your essentials at torso height so that you don’t have to stretch your frame out too much.

  • Give the home a bit of a clean

You don’t want to be thinking about mess when you need to rest & relaxation- trust us! So, before you return home post-abdominoplasty, be sure to give the home a good clean including things like changing the sheets. Not only will you not have to worry about it when it’s time to rest, but it will also make the home feel less stressed and more comfortable – something that is great for recuperation.

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