The modern age has gifted us with a lot of wonderful breakthroughs and innovations that have made our lives incredibly convenient. But, it has also created a unique set of challenges by promoting an unhealthy lifestyle that encourages poor eating habits and lack of activity. As a result, obesity has increased at a rapid rate, especially in the United States, and the primary factors behind this increase are the consumption of sugary beverages, processed foods, and sweet delicacies.
You can find ample information about ways to deal with obesity, but not many have the determination to break free from its shackles. Therefore, we have discussed here eight health consequences of obesity so that you can feel motivated to do more about this problem.
1.Increased risk of cardiovascular diseases:
According to recent studies, people who are obese are more likely to experience cardiovascular incidents like heart attacks and strokes. Substantial increase in weight contributes to the buildup of plaque inside the coronary arteries, which are responsible for providing oxygenated blood to the heart.
As a result, the heart remains bereft of the required flow of oxygen-rich blood. Therefore, if you have a heart condition, the first step should be to make serious efforts to reduce your weight because both of these conditions are profoundly linked.
2. Joint pains and back pains:
Obesity puts a lot of strain on the lower back muscles of the body and can result in conditions like sciatica, herniation, and degeneration of discs. Even though you undergo the best lower back pain treatment, but still, the problem will remain until you do not work on losing weight.
Similarly, excessive weight batters your joints so much that the protective cartilage in them is worn away, and as a result, causes severe conditions like osteoarthritis. Various studies have established a strong link between osteoarthritis and obesity. Therefore, it is often advised that people suffering from osteoarthritis should work on losing weight so that arthritic inflammation can be reduced.
3. Sleep apnea:
When you gain weight, you also get chubby around the neck and chin, which constricts the diameter of your airway and makes it difficult to breathe, especially while sleeping. As a result, obese people take shallow breaths during sleep which keeps them restless and sleepless throughout the night and develop a condition called sleep apnea. Therefore, if you are obese and finding it hard to sleep at night, it is high time that you work hard to lose some weight.
4. High cholesterol and blood pressure:
Over the years, researchers have developed a strong correlation between high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and obesity. Therefore, you must look to tackle high cholesterol and high blood pressure by coming out of the obese bracket.
5. Type 2 diabetes:
Diabetes is a medical condition in which your body is unable to produce enough insulin to deal with blood sugar. Many studies and surveys have stated that obesity is the primary driver of type 2 diabetes, and if you wish to mitigate its adverse effects, start working on losing weight.
6. Fatty liver:
Drinking excessive beverages can result in fatty liver because the beverage has fructose that goes to the liver and gets converted into fat. Fat then starts to deposit on the surface of the liver and, if left untreated, can wreak havoc on various systems of the body.
There is no excuse now for being unable to fight obesity because you have all the required information and motivation needed to keep obesity out of your life.