Tips to Reduce the Risk of Cancer

cancer cell

Cancer is a deadly disease that involves abnormal growth of body cells. Although many developments have been made in cancer treatment, you need to take necessary measures to avoid the risk of cancer. It is well accepted that the primary cause of cancer is an unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore, making some changes in your lifestyle and improving your daily habits can make a huge difference.

Here are a few diet and lifestyle changes you can make right now to prevent cancer.

Healthy Diet

Your diet plays a vital role in reducing the risk of cancer. Various foods like soda pop, refined sugars & wheat flours, and farmed salmon can increase the risk of cancer. On the other hand, there are several foods that protect you against cancer. Here are a few tips for maintaining a healthy diet and avoiding the risk of cancer.

  • Don’t gain too much weight: Obese people are at a higher risk of cancer. Therefore, avoid high-calory foods like refined sugars and trans fats.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables: If our diet is centered around fruits, vegetables, and other organic foods, you will be on a safer side.
  • Moderate Alcohol: Smoking is a no-no, but alcohol is permissible in moderate amounts. If you don’t drink alcohol, no need to begin, but if you do, make sure you consume alcohol in moderate amounts. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to an increased risk of liver, kidney, lung, breast, and colon cancer.
  • Say no to processed meats: Several reports from global cancer organizations indicate that excessive consumption of processed meats can increase the risk of certain types of cancer. If you eat processed meat regularly, limit the use to prevent the risk of cancer.
  • Embrace Mediterranean diet: Studies and surveys have suggested that women who eat a Mediterranean diet with mixed nuts and extra virgin olive oil have a reduced risk of breast cancer. The Mediterranean diet includes plant-based foods like vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, and whole grains. This type of diet also contains healthy fats like olive oil, fish, etc.
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Say No To Tobacco

Tobacco contains carcinogenic substances and is one of the significant causes of cancer. Smoking is the most common way to consume tobacco, which results in various types of cancer like cancer of mouth, throat, lung, larynx, pancreas, kidney, and cervix. People who chew tobacco are at a high risk of cancer of the oral cavity and pancreas.

Even if you don’ consume tobacco, exposure to tobacco smoke can put you at risk of lung cancer. If you consume tobacco, stopping its consumption is an essential step for preventing cancer. If you cannot quit smoking, consult a doctor, or visit a rehabilitation center. According to you write post, quitting tobacco is not optional but a necessity if you want to prevent cancer.

Avoid The Sun When Possible

Skin cancer is common and is caused when the UV rays of Sun contact your skin. However, preventing your skin from sun rays is easy and can be done with the help of these tips.

  • Don’t go out during the day: Mid-day sunrays are most dangerous; therefore, the best call is to avid gong out in the sun from 11 am to 4 pm.
  • Avoid sunlight: If you have to go out, try looking for a shade to avoid direct contact with sunlight.
  • Don’t expose your skin to the sun: Whenever you go out in the sun, wear loose-fitting clothes that cover the most of your skin. For added protection, wear dark-colored clothes to re-emit UV radiations.
  • Use high-quality sunscreen: When going out, apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 25. Sunscreens with less than 25 SPF are not effective in combating the sun’s UV rays. For the best results, keep applying sunscreen every two to three hours, especially if you are perspiring or swimming.
  • Say no to sunlamps and tanning beds: Just because they are artificial sunlight sources, they are not harmless. Exposing your skin to sunlamps increase the risk of skin cancer.
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Become Physically Active

As discussed in the previous section, maintaining a healthy weight helps you reduce the risk of several cancer types, including lung, breast, prostate, colon, and kidney cancer. Physical activity also plays a crucial role in lowering the risk of cancer. Apart from indirectly reducing the risk by helping in weight loss, physical activity has direct benefits as it helps to lower the risk of colon and breast cancer.

Although any and every physical activity is beneficial, you need a minimum of 75-150 minutes per weak of aerobic activity to achieve substantial health benefits. A combination of moderate an vigorous aerobic activity, at least thirty minutes oper day, is ideal for reducing the risk of cancer. However, the more you do, the better it is.


Some types of cancer can be prevented by vaccination. Two standard vaccinations used for cancer prevention are discussed below.

  • Hepatitis B: Hepatitis B is a liver disease that can increase the risk of liver cancer. Hepatitis B vaccination is essential for adults with sexually transmitted diseases. Adults that are involved in an unprotected sexual relationship with multiple partners are also at risk of Hepatitis B. This vaccine is also recommended to homosexual men and people that use intravenous drugs.
  • Human Papilloma Virus (HPV): Human Papilloma Virus is a sexually transmitted infection that can lead to genital and cervical cancer. The HPV vaccine is recommended for 11-12-year-old boys and girls. The US FDA has recently approved the use of Gardasil 9 as a vaccine for HPV.


Despite years of research, cancer still tops the chart of one of the deadliest diseases in the world. Early-stage cancers can be cured, but in most cases, cancer is diagnosed in the final stages, the chances of successful treatment are low. However, you can take a few measures to reduce the risk of cancer. Some lifestyle changes like eating healthy, staying fit & active, and avoiding direct sun contact can play a significant role n preventing cancer. Getting regular medical check-ups and taking vaccines when necessary can also reduce the risk of cancer.