Meditation can sometimes feel like a foreign language when you do not know how to go about it. Think of meditation like you would sports. You may enjoy basketball, swimming or cricket, but you may have no inclination to participate in or watch a boxing match. The good thing is that there are several approaches to meditation. You need to find one that is ideal for you. Kensho way’s guide to meditation books offers great insight into how to meditate.
Choose a comfortable place to meditate
It is important to decide where you can meditate with minimal distractions. Is there a room in your home where you are most comfortable? If your home is not the best place to meditate, you may consider an alternative environment. For example, if being in the garden works best for you, find the ideal location.
Discover the best time to meditate
We all have different concentration levels at different times of the day. Some people meditate best early in the morning. Others are great during the day while others concentrate better in the evening. It is critical for you to decide what time of the works best for you to meditate.
If you would like to meditate from home but cannot do it in the morning because you have other issues that demand your attention, you may choose to meditate at a time when you will be able to concentrate. It could be a time when the kids are in school or later in the night when they have turned in.
Breathe naturally
Just because you have heard you need to concentrate on your breathing when meditating does not mean you need to keep track of how you breathe. Meditating does not mean breathing needs to be hard work. Observe how your body responds to your breaths. You should not feel obligated to change the intensity or pace of your breathing when you are just starting your meditation journey.
Start meditating for a short time
If you are joining the meditation journey, it is critical to understand that you do not have to meditate for an hour just because someone you know does. There is always a starting point. You may be able to meditate for 60 minutes when starting but you probably can for 10 minutes. It would help if you did not give up because you cannot beat the duration your friend takes to meditate. As a beginner, you may get the most out of 10 minutes of voluntary meditation that 70 minutes of forced meditation.
Some of the health benefits of meditation include lower blood pressure, deep relaxation, and improved blood circulation. If you would like to start meditation but have no idea how to go about it, there is much literature on meditation. Remember, the most crucial step is the first one. Once you decide to start this journey, over time it will get easier to train your mind during meditation. Before beginning meditation, you should analyze why you want to do it. It will be easier to stay the course and appreciate the value of meditation when you understand what you are gaining from it.