Slim in an Instant

look slim outside cab in dress

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Would you believe me if I said you could be 10 pounds slimmer in a matter of minutes? Probably not, right? Obviously, you can’t actually lose 10 pounds in the space of 10 minutes, but there are plenty of tricks you can employ to make it at least look that way, and sometimes that’s all you really need. So, check out these simple tips for getting slim in an instant:

Go to a Bra Fitting

Many women wear bras that are too big or small, or which simply do not offer the level of support they require, which can make them look older, shorter and heavier than they really are. By attending a professional bra fitting, you can banish back fat, boost your bust line and make your waist look smaller than it really is.

Choose Your Colours Wisely

If you want to dress to look slimmer, you should wear bright colours in the region of your good features and dark colours on your problem areas. That way, the eye will be drawn to your best bits, and the darker colours will have a slimming effect on the bigger parts of your body.

Buy the Right Size

look slim woman in dress

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So many ladies continue to squeeze themselves into smaller clothing either in the hopes that it’ll make them look slimmer or because they can’t bear to see that larger size tag on the garment, but the fact is, wearing clothes that actually fit you will make you look much slimmer than clothes that are too small.

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Wearing clothes that are too large in a bid to skim over your figure can have a similar effect, actually making you look bigger than you really are, so be honest and choose the size that fits you best. No one else needs to know what that size is if you don’t want them to.

Vaser Treatment

Vaser treatment is a less invasive form of liposuction. It can remove excess fat from the thighs, stomach, arms, face and chest and it can be over and done with in no time at all.

Wear Skinny Jeans

look slim in skinny jeans now

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Yes, even if you’re a curvy lady. Many stylists suggest that curvy girls wear skinny jeans because they can elongate the legs and take attention away from more problematic areas such as the stomach. If you’re not brave enough for skinny jeans, bootcut styles are a good alternative because the slight flare at the bottom can help to balance out the body.

Wear Spanx

Spandex undergarments are a godsend for women everywhere. Whether you’re carrying a couple of extra pounds or you have a trunk full of junk, they will suck you in and slim down your figure immediately, for a tighter, sleeker look.

Go Big with the Accessories

If you want to appear slimmer, reach for the accessory drawer and pull out those statement pieces. Everything from big, bold, dangling earrings, to print scarves and belts that nip in the waist, will catch the eye and make you look smaller than you actually are.

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