Healthy Eating is Easier than Most People Think (Ways to Simplify Your Diet)

Nutrition has become notorious in the world of health and fitness as being unnecessarily complex. The basics are far from interesting to the average consumer, as it seems, and people make it more complex than it is in reality. But that’s what sells, right?

People may feel guilty for having some extra pounds. They want to get rid of them, it makes them anxious, so they engage in a strict and intense regimen that they abandon after only a couple of weeks. It takes time to get your metabolism to work at a specific rhythm after it had spent decades functioning at a totally different one. The things you read and learn online about nutrition and exercise regimens are suitable, but probably for someone else. The human body is not simple as a cut-and-dry math problem, so you need to adjust your lifestyle to fit your needs. What we need to do is to adopt new habits that are truly beneficial for our own lifestyle.

So don’t abandon your efforts just yet, because I am about to present a few fundamentals on how to eat healthy. And it’s pretty simple.

#1 Default Meal Options

You need time and focus to concentrate on the important things in life. If you have a lot of things to think about during the whole day, then this becomes more difficult. In order to avoid thinking about making a different meal every time, you should have a few meals that you can prepare and eat by default. For turning your nutrition autopilot on, this is the best thing to do. You don’t waste time thinking about your meals and you know what you’re feeding your body.

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#2 The 80/20 Rule

First, stop obsessing over nutritional facts and tactics because it’s counterproductive (unless you’re preparing for a bodybuilding competition). Before you do anything, ask yourself whether you’re making good food choices on a daily basis. Because if your food choices are bad, than there are no nutritional tactics that can help you achieve your goals. Focus the 80% of your time on eating clean foods, and the other 20% to indulge in what you please. Don’t consume those 20% every day, a bit by bit, but do it over a course of 1-2 days, for example during the weekend.

#3 Control the Urge to Binge

If you feel the urge, ask yourself why it is there. Emotional eating can halt your fitness goals, and you might want to eat more after various kinds of daily stresses. Ask yourself 3 times about why you want to make an impulse food decision. If it sounds legit the third time, indulge with no guilt. The ‘no guilt’ part is especially important. Your diet needs to contain foods that you love, but you should choose your moments of indulgence. Diets shouldn’t be equated to deprivement of the nourishments you enjoy.

#4 Moderate Food Portions

Moderate your eating. Yes, you should eat healthy, but overeating on healthy foods can also cause problems. So, eat in moderation to control your calories. If you have problems with managing it, you can do it by using smaller plates, slowing down and enjoying your meals, and eating away from the TV (because we tend to mindlessly consume when distracted). Your food portions are also defined by your exercising routine – if you burn more, you ought to take in more.

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Physical exercise is also an important part of the equation. Maximize your efforts and results by making a weekly exercise plan, having the right gym clothes, and dedicate some time to properly rest and recover.

Eat healthy, but make sure to eat foods you actually enjoy. Otherwise, you probably won’t manage to stick to your healthy diet plan. Have a green drink every day, because it’s a great source of micronutrients. Eat intelligently and with a  purpose. Don’t consume foods if you don’t understand how they will help and support both your internal and external health. Change your daily nutrition decisions and your transformation will start.