What To Eat After Tonsillectomy? 7 Foods You Must Have!

what to eat after tonsillectomy

Tonsil removal surgeries are in the medical news these days! The news’s key source is an incident in the pediatric ward of McMaster Children’s Hospital, where two children passed away after tonsil surgery. The Hamilton Health Sciences stated that there was no connection between the surgery and their post-surgical care. However, the internet has been buzzing with queries like – what to eat after tonsillectomy (surgically removing tonsils), what foods to avoid after the surgical process, and how to take care of yourself. 

This post will update you on all these topics and provide you with a deeper insight into the post-care aspects of tonsillectomy. A deeper and detailed knowledge of this will assist you in the long run. Let us help you with the same – 

What to eat after tonsillectomy? 

Here is a list of the foods that you can consume after your tonsillectomy procedure – 

1. Popsicles and ice chips to start with 

As you embark on your tonsillectomy recovery journey, ice chips, and popsicles can be your best friends. Rather than immediately drinking fluids, these alternatives can be of great help! 

what to eat after tonsillectomy

2. Smoothies offer instant relief and nutrition 

If you are highly concerned about the post-surgery recuperative period and want to immediately list what to eat after tonsillectomy, smoothies are your best option! This powerhouse combo drink has all the minerals and nutrients you need to recover. Incorporate vegetables, fruits, nut butter, and protein powder into this concoction and keep sipping on it for an early recovery. 

Smoothies offer instant relief and nutrition

3. Pudding and yogurt are of great help 

Assuming you are not lactose intolerant or have any other such issues – yogurt, pudding, custard, or even soft cheese could make for a filling and nutritious meal. This is especially given as an immediate meal after surgery. 

Pudding and yogurt are of great help

4. Mashed and steamed vegetables 

There’s nothing more nutritious than steamed and mashed vegetables for people who are looking to recover from a tonsillectomy procedure. Mashed pumpkin, sweet potato, or potatoes make for a great meal. Add full cream to it to make it softer and easier to eat. 

If you are looking to make veggie soups, potato/leek/or pumpkin could make for a great alternative. Puree them with other vegetables like – broccoli, or mushy peas and create the ideal textured soup to make recovery eating both nutritious and easy. 

Mashed and steamed vegetables

5. Pureed fruits are a fantastic option 

Apart from pureed and mashed vegetables, pureed fruits will also make for a fantastic meal option. Soft melons, bananas, nectarines, or baked pear and rhubarb are great alternatives to add to the meal plan. 

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Pureed fruits are a fantastic option

6. Amp up your protein content  

Once you are done with the surgery, you will need to amp up your nutrition content in the body. But what to eat after tonsillectomy that is soft and yet high in protein? We will tell you! Scrambled/poached eggs, minced meat, boneless and softly prepared fish (without any spice batter), tofu, and mashed beans make for a great recovery platter. 

Amp up your protein content

7. Keep grains for the last 

The last of the food items that you can add to your diet as you heal from a tonsillectomy procedure is – grains. From oatmeals softened in milk to well-cooked pasta (tinned spaghetti also works), to bread softened with cream cheese/mayonnaise, rice bubbles, and cooked-mashed rice are the best options to include in your post-surgical meal plate. You can add pancakes, muffins, and soft flour tortillas to this as well. 

What foods to avoid after tonsillectomy? 

What foods to avoid after tonsillectomy
Image credit: EatingWell

Given that you are scrolling down here, it is natural that apart from wanting to know what to eat after tonsillectomy you would also wish to get an idea about – what not to consume after this process. Let us update you on the same – 

  • Keep away from extra hot and spicy foods. Monitor your use of chilies. Even with freshly cooked food, make it a point to wait for some time before you eat it. 
  • Acidic or citric foods are a complete no-no! It would help if you even avoided citrus fruit juices like (orange or lemon juice). 
  • Keep fibrous foods like apples, celery, or other stringy vegetables away from your diet. Under such circumstances, they would cause more discomfort rather than help. 
  • Foods that have sharp edges like – cereals, chips, crackers, or carrots can increase the chances of bleeding. Ensure that they do not make it to your post-surgery meal plans. 
  • Lastly, if you are facing nausea or vomiting as such, then avoid dairy products for a considerable period post-surgery. Consume it only after your discussion with your medical provider. 

Apart from the foods mentioned above, get a detailed outline of your diet from your medical practitioner. 

What to drink after tonsillectomy? 

What to drink after tonsillectomy
Image credit: Quench Buggy

 If you are still hovering on this page, you have a fair idea about what to eat after tonsillectomy and the foods you must avoid. But, not much has been said about what to drink after the surgical process. We will reveal the details right here for you – 

The key reason the patient must remain hydrated for the first 72 hours after the surgery is related to the fact that correct hydration levels reduce the intensity of pain and speed up the wound-healing process. 

  • Doctors mostly suggest a combination of both warm and cold drinks (at specific intervals) to speed up the healing process. 
  • To soothe your skin, opt for apple juice, sugarless soda, iced water, and other colder drinks. Warm water is the best alternative, but you may also sip coffee or tea for a soothing sensation. 
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For other details or alternative drinks, connect with your medical provider. 

When can you return to a regular diet? 

Before answering this question, we must understand that the aftereffects of tonsillectomy surgery will not be the same for everyone. Though a 12-15-day time period is given, this can change depending on the individuals’ recovery rates. Also, in certain cases, people who have undergone tonsillectomy also need to get adenoidectomies, which take up additional time for healing. 

The other factors that affect the resuming of the usual diet after a tonsillectomy process are – 

  • Whether the wound is infected or swelling associated with the area 
  • The age of the concerned individual. The younger you are, the easier it is to bounce back
  • If bleeding occurs and becomes severe, then the resumption of a normal diet can take time 

How to treat painful swallowing after surgery?

Though you are assured of your diet after the surgical process, many people, despite the medications, face painful swallowing. Let us give you some ideas about the right way to deal with this – 

  • More than food, concentrate on what you drink. The warmer or colder your drink is, the better it is for your healing purpose. 
  • Multiple studies show that the medicine kicks in almost within 30-45 minutes after consumption. Therefore, you must consume your food after that (or during the next one-hour window) since it will ease the consumption process. 
  • A study has also shown that having a teaspoon of honey after your medication helps heal wounds. Therefore, you can also try this alternative to treat painful swallowing issues. 

Apart from that, connect with your medical professional for further help. 

Parting thoughts 

It is expected to have a sore throat after the tonsillectomy procedure. Under such a state of affairs, it is crucial to note your eating patterns and habits. In more than a single situation, medical providers recommend that you consume softer foods that require less chewing and are easy on the throat. Having said that, now that you have read this post, you are better aware of what to eat after tonsillectomy. We sincerely hope you will do what is necessary and take care of the specifics mentioned in this medical post. For those of you who still have further queries, we have summed up the answers below. 

If you enjoyed reading this post and want to know more about such medical tidbits, keep following this website. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q1. What is the 12-day mark after the tonsillectomy procedure? 

For those unaware of the 12-day mark after the tonsil surgery, it is that cut after which you can kickstart your regular diet. However, all of this depends on your doctor’s advice and your healing rate. 

Q2. Is ice cream always an easy option? 

For people searching for what to eat after tonsillectomy, ice cream pops up inadvertently! As good as it is, however, you must control the portions to prevent an untoward sugar rush! 

Q3. How do you care for children after a tonsillectomy procedure? 

If your kids have undergone this tonsil removal surgery, then apart from following the doctor’s instructions precisely, monitor – their hydration levels, feed them soft and nutrient-dense food, ensure they get plenty of rest, and keep them away from any strenuous activity for some time.  

Q4. Is having Sprite a good option after tonsillectomy? 

Though most suggest that having soda to heal tonsillectomy is a great idea, and what better than Sprite – but it could lead to a bigger problem. The carbonation and sugar in soda can slow down the healing process. In fact, many people have faced extreme sensitivity when it comes to sipping Sprite after tonsil surgery. So, if at all, go in for sugarless soda for the post-surgical healing process.