The guide for placing an indoor elephant ear plant at the office!

If you have been searching for a statement-making tropical inclusion to your office – look no further than the indoor elephant ear plant. Available primarily in two varieties, this indoor plant is impressive and aesthetic, creating a mysterious Asiatic oasis.  This large-leafed plant looks quite like that of the ears of the intelligent animal and creates a bold impression. You may find it in colour ranges from – a black-purplish combination to a whitish-greenish concoction to a pure green format. Choose whichever – rest assured, you will have a perfect potted piece of green furniture that will elevate the impression of your indoor space.

However, you may be concerned about choosing this plant over others or even the placement of it and its additional decor. To assist you – this exhaustive post will provide the answers to your queries. Navigate down this page to get clarity in this regard.

Why choose this indoor elephant ear plant over others?

Since it is an office space that is talked of here – the two things that one must remember are – one must maintain the aesthetics, and it should be something for which you will have to care minimum (people come to the office to work, not really for caring for the plants so well). With these two primary thoughts in mind, surely there might not be too many options – but the indoor elephant ear plant alternative just perfectly matches the said criteria.

To add on some further reasons –

  • It is a tropical superstar. It is no secret that this plant is one of the tropical evergreen varieties that you can choose, with its compact formation and wavy leaves. Therefore – how it grows even in its short breeding time is notable. Plus point: It gives you a complete Asiatic feel – with minimal maintenance – your reason to have this against others.

indoor elephant ear plant

  • The Yin-Yang fundamentals work best. If you have noticed minutely – the leaves of this plant are huge and heart-shaped. Therefore – on the one side, it is masculine in apparent appearance and feminine in grace. This balancing act adds to the charm of the office interiors and plays the role of a linking agent.
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  • The Jumbo Leaves. Too full yet not full of barring the view – that’s the magic of this indoor elephant ear plant. Its wide leaves naturally produce a higher amount of oxygen and, therefore, ensure that the office temperature is maintained well.

Which varieties suit the indoor requirements?

For the unaware – the indoor elephant ear plant is basically available in two varieties. However, there are other varieties available within the same range that suit perfectly well the requirements of office space.

Starting with the – Colocasia type – its foliage is charcoal black, complementing the veins that are emerald green.

Next is the Alocasia type – Evergreen in nature but a bit-slow growing plant perfectly suitable to match the artistic aspect of a workspace.

Alocasia sanderiana is another of the options that you can try checking out. Its lobed arrow-shaped leaves with a greenish-purplish hue ensure that the decor of the workspace is kept as artistic as possible.

Choose either of the above options and place it in your office space as the indoor plant.

How to keep this plant happy?

The indoor elephant ear plant is a tropical variety so keep it in a place with indirect sunlight and proper air circulation. For the uninitiated – the areas with frosted glass or an east-facing window are perfect spots!

This plant requires moist soil with adequate drainage holes. Therefore – you require a comparatively large pot that has water holes to allow a better drainage format.

Rather than complete watering – this plant is best maintained by misting consistently. Try to water from downwards and with maximum gaps in between. The humidity is to be kept in the medium-high range.

indoor elephant ear plant
Image Credit: Balcony Garden web

Spring is the perfect time to fertilise the indoor elephant ear plant, and liquid fertiliser with a sprinkling of Epsom salt at intervals is the best way to keep it happy!

Tips to better the show of this plant

Placing a potted plant randomly on the side of a window – well, that is just random interior decoration. If you sincerely wish to portray the workspace adroitly – given that you have the indoor elephant ear plant for your placement – make the best of it.

  • Make it the showstopper! Its presence is bold and beautiful, so make it a centrepiece of the workspace (just make sure that the light is significant).
  • If you have the purple-foliage type at your behest – combine it with plants of the silver, chartreuse and pink hues.
  • In case you want to set up the plant for the office party look – you can always mingle it with the coleus and the caladium types. Choose a glass pot with stone beads to place these plants, and then you may fix a couple of fairy lights around the plants to improve the artistic aura of the space.
  • You can club this indoor elephant ear plant with Cannas and Bird of Paradise to make a full look!
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In case you are too inspired and looking to carry back home this indoor plant – you can always choose your lounge area to keep the same. Just make sure that the plant gets indirect light.

Some benefits of this plant

Of course, the precise benefit of an indoor plane must be to enhance the decor and purify the air within. Also, nobody is going to cut those leaves to cook them for dinner. However, just some random fact noting – the leaves of indoor elephant ear plant are very beneficial.

#The stalks of this plant are a reputed Vietnamese herb. In fact – they are regularly used in stir-frys and soups. 

indoor elephant ear plant

You may not know that this plant’s roots are referred to as Taro roots and are a source of minerals and fibre – which again improves the heart and blood sugar levels.

Additionally, the resistant starch in these roots helps improve overall health. Quercetin polyphenol – have both anti-cancer and antioxidant properties. Given its excellent nutritional profile – be assured of deriving multiple benefits (additional potassium and folate content from it) from the leaves.

#Know for a fact – The leaves of this plant (especially the younger ones) contain oxalate content which does have a limited amount of poison. If you are consuming this leaf, make it a point to cook it well.  

Would you like to buy one?

Choose the Alocasia variety or the Colocasia option – or for that matter, any of the other available varieties – the indoor elephant ear plant will provide you with the best in all its form. Make sure that you buy one from a reputed nursery or seller who previously cared for it like their own. Also, do make it a point to care for it in the above-explained matter to enable it to last long. If you have bought one, do let us know how you are caring for it and if there is any special feature you are considering. Hope to hear from you.