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Quick Fix Diet & Workout Plans: Are They Effective?

Quick Fix Diet & Workout Plans: Are They Effective?

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Everyone tends to have their own opinion on quick fixes and whether or not they are a good option for getting in shape and losing weight. Some people swear by them – so much so that they start a business on the back of them – while others actively dislike them. There is a lot of hatred towards quick fixes, but usually, this dislike of this method of getting in shape is to do with diet, rather than quick fix exercise programs.

You see, the issue is that most – not all – quick fix diets only offer a temporary solution to weight gain, with any pounds lost piling back on as soon as a normal diet is resumed. Or at least, that’s what a lot of people believe. While some quick fixes can offer a purely temporary solution to weight loss and fitness, that isn’t always the case, and it’s important to understand that.

The fact is that some quick fix programs can be highly effective and can help to make achieving your long-term fitness goals easier, it’s just a case of understanding how these programs can be effective and what the best options are. For a quick fix diet and workout plan to be a good option, it needs to be sustainable, as otherwise the weight lost will pile back on and the levels of fitness achieved will be lost.

With that in mind, how do you determine whether a quick fix diet and workout plan will be effective for achieving your short-term (and long-term) weight loss and fitness goals?

You can actually eat…

The fact is that the downside of many quick fixes is the fact that they don’t allow you to eat properly. From juice cleanses where you live off of juices to tea toxes where all you can have is specialty tea and fresh fruit and vegetables, these types of quick fixes might achieve fast results, but they’re not sustainable in the long run. That is, unless after the initial weight loss the program slowly introduces more foods and calories, making it a more sustainable option. Take the 21 Day Fix, for instance; this uses a portion size technique to help achieve quick results that are also sustainable in the long-term as there’s no starving yourself. Want to know more about this option? You can find literally everything you wanted to know about the 21 Day Fix answered here: Usually, a quick fix diet would comprise of significantly limiting what you are able to eat, hence the fast weight loss.

The fitness program is sustainable

It’s not just the diet that needs to be sustainable for a quick fix program to be a good option, it’s also the exercise plan. The fact is that you may be able to workout almost constantly for a couple of days – doing little exercises in between your daily tasks – but in the long-run, it’s not a sustainable option. Hence why it’s vital that the fitness program is sustainable or incorporates a longer-term fitness plan for after the initial first few days. It should also incorporate tips for staying motivated, to increase your chances of fitness success.

You see quick results followed by slower and steadier ones

The best way to determine whether a quick fix diet and exercise plan will be effective is the results that it achieves. It’s not about how many pounds you drop in the first few days – this tends to be water weight – it’s about the weight loss achieved after that. The same goes for fitness – you need to see that once the start of the plan is over and you’ve seen fast results, slower and steadier results begin to occur.

The fact is, not all quick fix plans are effective, at least not in the long-run. However, there are some plans that can work well as a kickstart to losing weight and getting fit.

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