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Stop Shivering! Tips To Improve Your Winter Health

potatoes winter health tips

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This time of year it’s easy to stay on the sofa all day and to overindulge in festive food, but it’s important to try to stay healthy. Getting plenty of nutrients in your diet will help you steer clear of winter ailments like colds and flu – you’re much more likely to get a cold during the wintertime so make sure that your body is ready to fight off the germs! Here are our top tips on how to eat well during the colder part of the year…

Eat Your Five A Day

Everyone knows that you’re supposed to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, but we don’t always do it! It’s harder in the winter to eat your five a day – in the summer you might be eating a salad for dinner followed by berries for dessert, but in the winter it’s much easier to reach for heavier foods for their warming qualities. Research which fruits and vegetables are good in the winter, and mix other root vegetables like turnips and parsnips into your mashed potatoes to add more vitamins. Remember that frozen vegetables are fine, and do your best to stay away from comfort eating. If you’re hungry and you crave something filling and warm, try some stewed fruit instead, or make some muffins containing fruits and vegetables. You should also ensure that you consume plenty of dairy – calcium is vital to your diet, so drink milk and eat plenty of dairy products like butter, cheese and yogurt. They’re a great source of protein, along with vitamins A and B12.  

Add Supplements To Your Diet

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Start taking a zinc and vitamin C tablet to ward off winter colds, particularly if you get public transport regularly or work in an office where bugs spread like wildfire from person to person. Make sure you wash your hands well with soap when you come home from work. There are natural remedies and fruits that you can look into to adding to your diet over the winter to stay healthy – check out Garcinia Cambogia customer reviews to find out more. You can add other natural supplements to your diet like chia seeds – sprinkle these over your oatmeal in the morning along with fruits like strawberries and blueberries and you’ll feel full and energetic until lunch time.

Stay Fit And Healthy

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I know, I know – it’s hard to make yourself go out to the gym after work when it’s cold and dark outside! Try going on your way home or on your lunch break instead. Alternatively, look for activities you can do that are closer to home. Go for a brisk walk around your block, or run up and down your staircase a few times a day. Look on YouTube for exercise videos. If you do better in public, turn your keeping fit into a social activity – meet your best friend at a pilates class and go out for coffee afterwards, or start playing a team sport, where you’ll make tons of new friends as well as making sure you stay in shape! Doing exercise will help release endorphins which will make you happier through the winter and more able to get out and keep fit. Try to enjoy the winter time – snowy landscapes aren’t around for much of the year and so long as you keep warm, they’re fun and picturesque to walk through.

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